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FIGHT PREVIEW - Bruno Souza vs Maciej Tercjak

Kyokushin Karate and Machida Karate meet in Full-Contact
от Community Manager • 2022. Aug 19

Bruno Souza and Maciej Tercjak are each making exciting debuts at Karate Combat after garnering respect in other combat sports. While that's reason enough to be excited for their fight at KC35 on Saturday, August 27th, at 7:00PM ET (4:00PM PT), you may also appreciate that there's a bit of Karate History in the making.

Kyokushin Karate is No Longer the Only Game in Town

After its popularity boom in the 1980s cooled down, Karate started developing a misconception of being an ineffective form of combat. Hopefully Karate Combat has helped put that rumor to bed.

The one style that avoided this reputation knockdown was Kyokushin Karate. Kyokushin earned a title as the “Strongest Style of Karate” in the hearts of many combat sports fans due to the dominance of its practitioners in professional kickboxing.

In fact, Two Kyokushin blackbelts will be providing commentary at KC35:

Georges St-Pierre and Bas Rutten are BOTH Kyokushin blackbelts.

For the rest of the traditional styles of Karate, this misconception wasn’t broken until our very own League Sensei Lyoto Machida captured the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship using a fighting style that was unmistakably a form of “Traditional Karate”.

Lyoto Machida has since created his own system of Karate based on his family's traditional Karate techniques.

Lyoto Machida launched a wave of traditional karate finishes in MMA

At KC 35 we will see for the first time these two well respected styles compete against each other in a bout of high paced Karate action.

Two Warriors of Different Styles

For the Kyokushin representative we will have Maciej Terjak, a Kyokushin based kickboxer who is coming off a beautiful head kick KO in his most recent fight.

In the other corner will be UFC veteran, former LFA Champion, and Machida Karate Protégé Bruno Souza.

The culmination of all this history for Karate in Combat Sports goes down in this thrilling match up at #KC35 in Orlando, Florida.


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